Vegetarian Gourmet Menu

The menu may vary from the dishes listed here due to the daily and seasonal availability of fresh ingredients.

We only serve the full gourmet menu on Fridays and Saturdays. From Tuesday to Thursday, we serve our guests a menu which has been reduced by two courses but is also available at a very attractive price.

Vegetarian goes Culinary

Vegetarian dishes can be more than just herbs and beet!
We will serve you an exceptional 6-course menu made from purely plant-based ingredients that will whisk you away to completely new, fascinating worlds of taste.

We will create vegetarian dishes for you in a “modern style”, always in tune with seasonal products, taste-intensive and surprising. We use the broadest range of international cuisine from Europe, Asia and the Orient to fully satisfy your tastes – and we are sure that you have never experienced “vegetarian” in such an exciting way.

Vegetarian Gourmet Menu

Greeting from the kitchen
Homemade bread and a variety of dips

Watermelon Tataki
Teriyaki, Sesame, Avocado, Lettuce

Turkish Red Lentil Soup ‘Mercimek Çorbası’

Roasted Cauliflower, Cauliflower Cream, Tarragon, Beurre Blanc

Thai Red Vegetable Curry & Jasmine Rice

White Chocolate Espuma, Rosemary Cherries, Chocolate Truffle

Menu 75 €

All menus are subject to daily changes but are not continuously updated on the website.